Background: It is unclear whether any particular time of the day is Vulnerable for suicide attempts. Suicide attempt is a known risk factor for future completed suicide. Aim: To investigate the relationship between the time of suicide attempt and the sociodemograpic and illness characteristics of suicide attempters. Method: Time of attempt, clinical and demographic data and illness variables of 74 patients presenting to hospital following suicide attempt were analyzed. Results: Our results showed 8.a.m. to 11.59 a.m. is the most preferred time of attempt and it is statistically significant. Suicide attempt is significantly more in the day time (between 8 a.m. to 11.59 a.m.). The above time period is significantly associated with place of attempt of the suicide attempters. This is the time period where more young males (20 – 29 years) from rural back ground, married, illiterates and unemployed (significant no. of house wives also) attempt suicide during this time. Depression is the common psychiatric illness and pesticide is the common mode of attempt. More number of cases attempt during the months of August, September and October. Majority of them have experienced more than 5 life events before the attempt. Therefore we conclude that forenoon (8 a.m. to 11.59 a.m.) is the most vulnerable period for attempting suicide. Conclusion: The assessment of patients with history of suicide attempt in relation to the time of attempt is beneficial in formulating suicide prevention strategies.
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