In order for patients to relief cancer treatments effects and also to make an adaptation to medical problems, cancer seeks for some intervening things. The spiritual care is among these things. Due to the special condition and chronic disease of cancer patients, spiritual care is of a great importance. This study aims at finding the influence of spiritual care on general health of patients suffering from cancer in palliative care clinic of Sayed-o Shohada hospital. this study is a semi empirical study conducted in 2 phases with 2 groups in pretest and posttest design.60 cancer patients of Imam Reza clinic and the palliative medical center in there, in a statistical method in two intervening and control groups, were examined in this study for 3 months. The general health questionnaire filled before and after spiritual care for each group. All the obtained data of this study were coded and analyzed with SPSS18 software in descriptive and inferential statistical methods (qui square, paired t test and independent t test). The mean of pretest scores for general health of the intervening and control groups has got no meaningful statistical difference.(p=0.685) But mean for general health scores in intervening group has got a meaningful and considerable difference before and after spiritual cares.(p=0.001). Findings of this study shows that spiritual care of cancer patients decreases the physical sign problems, anxiety, sleep disorders, depression and disorders in their social functions. Also the research results have demonstrated that spiritual care increases the health rate of these patients. So nurses can exploit spiritual care in order for increasing the health rate of patients.
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