Study of some CVD intensifying lipids over a period of aerobic exercise in the open and closed environment | Abstract

International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS)
ISSN: 2319-5886 Indexed in: ESCI (Thomson Reuters)


Study of some CVD intensifying lipids over a period of aerobic exercise in the open and closed environment

Author(s):Hassan darvakh and Asieh Sadat Mousavian

Regarding the importance of physical activity in preventing lipids disorders, this study was done with the goal of comparing one type of aerobic exercise in open and closed place on some lipids intensify CVD disorders, In this study, 45 healthy middle aged postmenopausal women were randomly divided into 3 groups of 15, tow earobic exercise and control. First, the heart rate was measured (04/15 ± 47/80), then maximal oxygen consumption (22.65 ± 1.46) and the body dimensions, including height (156.7 ± 6.72) weight (68.87 ± 9.22) and body mass index (28.74 ± 1.78), then, cholesterol, VLDL and triglycerides values were studied in Laboratory. Time and intensity of exercise were identical for two groups. Increasing intensity of 50-70% of maximum heart rate was in 12 weeks, 30 to 90 minutes, and 5 times a week (30 minutes at 50% MHR intensity for the first week and 90 minutes of 70 percent MHR in the last week). After the training period, cholesterol, VLDL and triglycerides values were measured again and the data were analyzed with the dependent T-test, MANOVA and TUKY follow-up test. The results indicate that differences between exercise groups and control group were significant. Accordingly, the results of exercise group in open place had significant effects on reducing mean cholesterol, VLDL and triglycerides (P≤0.05). And aerobic exercise in closed place had significant effects on reducing mean cholesterol, VLDL but had not significant effects on reducing mean triglycerides and there was significant difference in VLDL values between two groups after 12 weeks (P≤0.05) as the open place group showed higher mean. As the exercise group in open place showed higher mean, this study showed that aerobic exercise, either exercise group in open place or in the exercise group in closed place causes decrease in the mean of some blood lipids like cholesterol, VLDL and triglycerides in postmenopausal women, among which exercise group in open place maby because of more exciting time indicates greater effectiveness.

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