Patients with clinically suspected tuberculosis infection attending OPD/IPD and DOTs center at Santosh Medical College/Hospital, Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh were studied. The numbers of male patients were 105 (70%) and female patients were 45 (30%). About 16 (10.3 %) smears were positive for acid-fast bacilli (AFB). All the 150 samples were decontaminated by modified Petroff’s method and cultured on Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) media. Our result showed that the entire 16 (10.3%) sample which was smearing positive were also culture positive. Of the 134 samples which were smeared negative 5(3.3%) samples were culture negative. All the 21 isolated strains were confirmed by standard biochemical tests. On the basis of biochemical reactions, 7 were humans’ type mycobacterium.
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