The autonomic nervous system, through its sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, has a fundamental role in the pathogenesis of cardiac diseases. Acute and chronic left ventricular systolic dysfunction is present in diseases such as Acute decompensation of chronic congestive heart failure and Systolic heart failure of etiology. All two diseases have sympathetic hyperactive, as, a common denominator. We, at the Instituto of Investigations Cardiovascular of la Universidad de Los Andes, have conceived therapeutic strategies aimed at counteracting this autonomic abnormality. We can conclude with this analysis that indicated, the medical treatment with Carvedilol was significantly associated with survival, only in those patients who were in sinus rhyme and cautious up-titration of carvedilol, is still decompensated with sinus rhythm, increases long-term survival. the observed beneficial effects of cautious up-titration of carvedilol, in decompensated patients in sinus rhythm, are very likely due to its unique pharmacological characteristic α of and β blocker.
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