Background: Temporo Mandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders are most commonly encountered problem in dental clinics. The study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of TMJ disorders in Bundelkand population, India. Materials and Methods:A questionnaire based cross sectional study was done on the sample of 400 Bundelkand populations using the systemic random sampling. Out 400 samples, 320 were females and 80 were males with the mean age of 20.9 ± 2.72 years. TMJ related health status questionnaire consisted of three domains viz; pain, trauma, jaw components, eye-ear and breathing components. Frequency of the response was recorded and was analyzed. Further, the data was subjected to statistical chi square test to evaluate the difference between the male and female participants. Result: Headaches were the most commonly cited reason for the pain (60.3%) followed by the Stiff neck (32.8%). Eighteen percent of the respondents had jaw joint problems. Pain with either jaw was prevalent in 7.8% of the participants. Dizziness was prevalent by 39%. Significant difference was noted between males and females for most of the symptoms of TMJ disorder. 66.2% females had headaches in comparison to males (36.2%). Increased number of (6.2%) males had met with whiplash injury than females (1.9%). A higher prevalence of crackling sound from either jaw was seen in males (7.5%) as compared to females (2.5%). Conclusion: Current group of the population showed the higher prevalence of various symptoms of TMJ disorder. It is recommended that, further follow up of the individuals who had reported positive symptoms should be done through the proper diagnosis and the treatment planning.
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