Background: Seizure disorder (epilepsy) is a common chronic neurological disorder in the pediatric age group, with both medical and psycho-social significance, particularly in Africa; where it is still linked to evil spirits and supernatural powers. Objective: To determine the pattern of pediatric epilepsy and inter-ictal EEG correlates in Sokoto, Nigeria. Materials and Methods: It is a descriptive retrospective study, using designed proforma to record each patient’s biodata and relevant clinical histories pertaining to the seizures. All consecutive patients with seizure disorder attending pediatric neurology clinic in Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital Sokoto were enrolled. Proportions of cases with and without epileptiform discharges on the EEG recordings were analyzed, using SPSS. Results: Total 303 cases of seizure disorder (epilepsy) were studied, constituting 47.2% of all pediatric neurology cases, 642 were seen in the clinic over the period. The mean age of the cases was 6.1 ± 4.5 years (range 3 months to 15 years). Infants accounted for 18.2% of the cases. Male to female ratio was 1.9:1. Generalized tonicclonic seizures were the most frequent clinical seizures recorded (63.4%), followed by myoclonic forms (11.9%). Absence seizure was the least observed type (1.0%). Only 176 (58.1%) of the patients had the EEG test, out of which 146 (83%) showed epileptiform features in keeping with epilepsy. Cerebral palsy was the commonest identifiable risk factor for epilepsy among the cases. Conclusion: Epilepsy remains a significant pediatric neurologic problem in Nigeria. EEG has a good yield of epileptiform abnormalities among children with active seizure disorder. It, therefore, helps in complementing the clinical history and eventual diagnosis.
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