Labor induction is one of the most common obstetric interventions. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between induction and risk of cesarean section delivery for women with term pregnancies who were admitted to Bessat hospital in Sanandaj from 2012 to2013. This study was a prospective cohort study in which study population were pregnant women who were admitted to Bessat hospital in Sanandaj (Kurdistan province in North Western Iran) from 2012 to2013. Study samples size were 539 cases using convenience sampling among eligible pregnant women admitted to Bessat Hospital for induction. Results of the study showed that a total of 539 women underwent induction. Mean age of the study units were 26.7 ± 5.6 years. In terms of education, 63.3 % were at the elementary level, the majorities (94.6%) were housewives, and 57.4% were nulliparous. The mean gestational age was 39.3 ± 2.6 weeks (Table 1) and post-term pregnancies (40.63%), PROM (24.12%) and non-reactive NST (7.79%) were among the most common causes for induction. Dilatation and birth weight could be factors predicting labor induction success. Furthermore, performing Induction in dilatation 3 cm or less could be associated with an increased risk of cesarean delivery.
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