Background: Standardized orthodontic record is a fundamental initial step in orthodontic practice that aid in accurate diagnosis and problem list formulation to get the proper treatment plan. Aim of the study: To assess the accuracy of pre-treatment orthodontic records as appose to a specific proposed standardized criterion. Material and Methods: A set of 78 patient records were recruited from a total sample size of 120 patients that fulfilled the selection criteria. A set of study model with the dental radiograph (panoramic and lateral cephalometric) as well as patient photographs were evaluated with certain criteria which were approved by the European and American Board of Orthodontists (EBO), (ABO) respectively, and the level of their acceptance was analyzed by estimating the percentage value of each criterion. Results: Evaluating results of both study model and intraoral photograph (lateral and occlusal views) showed a high level of non-acceptance, while panoramic radiograph and extraoral photograph (frontal and lateral) and only frontal view of intraoral photograph showed a higher percentage of acceptance. The lack of a required number of the lateral cephalometric radiograph and the absence of oblique and relaxed smile views of facial photographs were prohibiting their evaluation. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that more training courses may be needed for study model fabrication and intraoral photography by providing more facilities that aid in documenting with a total standardization. However, this may not be easily possible, but, it must be remembered that if it is not documented accurately, it is not valuable.
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