Overview: Provisional Restoration plays a vital role in the long term Success of fixed partial restorations. A provisional restoration is a transitional restoration that provides protection, stabilization and function before Fabrication of the definitive prosthesis. A poorly adapted provisional restoration encourages plaque accumulation which can lead to periodontal conditions ranging from gingival Inflammation to periodontal support breakdown, this being especially true in cases where finish line margins are placed equigingivally or subgingivally. Aim of this in vitro study to compare the vertical marginal discrepancy of provisional restorations fabricated using light polymerized composite resin by direct technique. Materials and methods: Ivorine teeth (mandibular right and left 1st molar) were attached to the Typodont. Putty index was prepared Putty for each Ivorine tooth and prepared for a full crown restoration with a 1mm shoulder finish line and a uniform height of 6 mm of all the axial surfaces. After tooth preparation, impression was made with heavy body and light body using putty wash technique. Impression was immediately poured with die stone. Altogether sample size was 48. Provisional crowns fabricated using direct technique and cemented using Freegenol luting cement. They were divided into 3 groups, i.e. sixteen for each material. Die hardener was applied to the remaining part of the stone dies to prevent distortion of the die stone during aging process of the specimen. Each group was further divided into 8 depending on the type of aging process the specimens were subjected to: Pepsi, Tea and Arabian coffee and soaked for 54 hours. After immersion, the specimens were washed in distilled water, dried with filter paper, and subjected to marginal accuracy by Stereo microscope. Data obtained in the present study was subjected to statistical analysis using one-way ANOVA and inter group comparison was done with PostHoc Bonferroni’s correction SPSS Version 21. Results: Comparison of the buccal marginal discrepancies in the 3 materials used for temporary crowns using ANOVA showed significant changes when dipped in the 3 beverages. Significant buccal and lingual marginal discrepancy of all 3 temporary crowns was observed when immersed in tea compared to coffee and Pepsi as well as coffee with Pepsi by Post-Hoc Bonferroni’s correlation. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, it was concluded that, all the three temporary crowns fabricated from different materials showed significant marginal discrepancy when dipped in three different beverages
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