Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease is a rare disease of unknown etiology and characterized by benign selflimiting cervical lymphadenopathy. It is an extremely rare disease with higher prevalence amongst Japanese and other Asiatic individuals. Its recognition is important because it can be mistaken for immunologic, infective, and even lymphomas, and the patient may be subjected to inappropriate and costly diagnostic workup and treatment. A 21-year-old female presented to the clinic with chief complaint of swelling over the left neck with fever since 10 days. On examination, patient was febrile, and she had multiple small enlarged cervical lymph nodes, that were mildly tender. Other system examination was normal. Her laboratory investigations were normal. FNAC of the cervical lymph node was suggestive of necrotizing lymphadenitis. Patient was started on a course of ciprofloxacin. Her lymph node biopsy confirmed Kikuchi’s disease. Immunohistochemistry further confirmed the diagnosis. The patient has been free of symptoms and in remission on followup after six months.
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