Background: The world has been dramatically changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of socio-economic, cultural, professional and communicative context. Bangladesh as a developing country also experiencing such effects on its citizen. Methods: An online survey questionnaire is prepared using Google form and circulated over the country using different social media and personal contacts. The questionnaire contains mainly three types of informationdemographic, concept about COVID-19 and changes in lifestyle of the participants. Data collection and analysis: The online form was kept available from July 14, 2020 to July 21, 2020 to get responses from people. A total of 1088 people responded and their responses are analyzed by different statistical tools. The results are shown in different graphs and tables. Results: Among the participants, 53.3% were male and 46.7% were female which were from village, city and semiurban area of the country. In context of educational qualification, 46.6% were of undergraduate level, 26.8% were graduated, 6.5% were post graduated and 20.1% were below undergraduate level. Maximum participants reported that they used ‘social media’ as a source of information for COVID-19 pandemic and they also claimed ‘fever’ as a symptom of the disease. The number of meetings with friends and relatives have not been decreased significantly(p=1) but working condition and employment status have been changed in great extent. Among the participants, 53.5% said that, they have no worries regarding this pandemic, 25% have mild stress and 21.5% have severe worries and stress. Conclusion: The people of Bangladesh from different areas are largely dependent on social media for updated information about COVID-19. The awareness about COVID-19 is also not sufficient for preventing transmission from community to community. The working schedule of the employees have also been changed in a great extent. All of us in the society should work together to prevent the transmission.
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