Drug in Action According to Nano Force of Interaction

International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS)
ISSN: 2319-5886 Indexed in: ESCI (Thomson Reuters)

Research - International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences ( 2021) Volume 10, Issue 3

Drug in Action According to Nano Force of Interaction

R Indupriya1, R Meenal2 and E. Rajasekaran3*
1Kazan Federal University, Kazan-420012, Tatarstan, Russia
2Karunya Institute of Technology and Science, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
3V.S.B. Engineering College, Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
*Corresponding Author:
E. Rajasekaran, V.S.B. Engineering College, Karur, Tamil Nadu, India, Tel: 8220080832, Email:

Received: 23-Feb-2021 Accepted Date: Mar 23, 2021 ; Published: 30-Mar-2021


One of the strong forces of attraction coming from the carbon role is discussed here as the main force of interaction in the protein association during relief work. One can consider several examples of drug interaction with the protein of interest. Here it is taken as microbial controlling beta-lactamase binding oxacillin one for study and to detail out the force of involvement and associated principles. Our results clearly explain the role of carbon in the interaction between the drug of action and associated protein. One can take this principle coming out of carbon value for further study on drug development or protein inhibition value. We conclude here that the carbon value is the best treatment of all sort of interaction associated with drug-protein interaction and all other forces are merely there for the association and not at all important for study in drug development further on.


Nanone, ICOD, Drug action, Drug-protein interaction, Carbon value, Fundamental force, Carbon profile


Several potential drugs prohibit pain of our body in the nervous system. Understanding the action of these potential drugs is yet to be realized at the atomic scale. One of the dominant force of the existence of cohesiveness comes from such drugs is the focus of this work in nature [1-9]. However, dealing with such cohesiveness is very difficult to adjust the parameter to be in the code of contact and all. At this juncture, it is believed that nano-force coming from a carbon point of view is crucial for any new development at the drug to be in action and all. Accordingly, the sequence of protein where and all binding is to be characterized for suitability and necessary change in the global and local structure of intervening atoms. Nevertheless, the action of the drug to the binding site evolved from the internal one coming from the carbon of protein side, not in drug one. Drug one side in internal one to get adjusted and maintain code of contact with carbon force coming with a value of 0.3144. Otherwise, call it as intervening change that and all hoped to be in the vicinity to act accordingly. Hope this phenomenon is met with adequate flexibility and alteration at the atomic level of change of amino acids and drug one. Altering any of these two might be interesting in finding a better or more sensitive solution of action at the site interest, otherwise going to be insolvable in the internal one to get auctioned. Needless to say that the molecule of interest must meet the necessary changes that and all in the internal one very near to the point of action. Overall one should look upon the internal one along with the local one to be satisfied. Overall one may be invaluable in the code of contact is considered. One should ignore this way of binding in the vicinity where only the local structure and all is important in getting effective binding. Over and above it may be better to find the operation at all level that and all feasible for eloping molecule that binds to the system of disease character and only the incoming need to be fulfilling these action of the drug and adjust to the adequate carbon profile that is coming from cohesiveness and alternative force of nanone all along mutually. Adjacent to the active site all other amino acids are adequately arranged to provide all necessary alteration that and all meeting the requirement of nanone to exist which eventually adjust during binding and alters its orientation accordingly. Very many points of interest meet this phenomenon of binding but only one of them meets this phenomenon effectively adjusting every other to accommodate everywhere in the system that adjusts to meet out the effective point of the profile of carbon value coming from adjustable elements. Otherwise going to be inefficient biding that may not affect the protein and all in the binding of ineffective drug one. Eventually, lead to salvation less action coming from inefficient drug one. Over and above it may be placed in such a way that it is complementing each other ineffective binding and all. The cohesiveness of the nanone one coming here is elevated to a higher level. A much faster code of contact may be provided to accommodate drugs in the vicinity which holds this phenomenon of drug action which is taken up here as a point of the study.

Though one can go on synthesizing different potential drugs for such action, fundamentally one has to realize that carbon role in inflammation and also in anti-inflammatory powerful force comes from cohesive nanopores are important for the foundation of such actionable drugs that cause relief during a difficult time of action in force [10- 13]. One has to study a detailed explanation on how, where it acts for such interaction. The drug used for microbial control is taken here to detail out the protein-drug interactions.


Protein and its complex structures were retrieved from the PDB website. This includes the native form of lactamase (5xp6) and the complex formed (4eyb). The files are having atomic coordinates of 42 to 270 and 30 to 270 in native form and complex structure respectively. Rest are missing residues as in crystal structure found by X-ray crystallography. Though it is good enough for comparison, alteration may be there with all other elements. The program was evolved to find out carbon atoms of interest from carbon value calculation that arranges to provide details of the domain of atoms involved and also the non-coding regions. Otherwise, call it the arrangement of carbon domain calculation for internal one of all atoms that can provide input on alteration for mutational study and also for effective binding of the drug to protein.

Alternatively one can go on calculating the internal one obtainable from sequence information that may not complete in the sense that the internal one differs from carbon-rich regions. The overall pattern of carbon-rich and carbon domain regions may be obtained from this sequence information additionally to internal one of the 3D structures obtained from X-ray crystallography. An alternative to the complex formed, one can get information on where are all the internal one and carbon-rich portion that might have changed during complex formation. Fantastic about this is that an internal one called carbon domain may be obtainable from simple sequence information that can be extrapolated to protein 3D structure of all-atom involved. Arranged in the protein information in the sequence for three-dimensional structures to be adopted. It can be called arrangement of the atomic profile of the carbon domain and an active portion along with the sequence information. When in need one can calculate these portion identified from Carbon distribution (CARd) analysis of sequence information which are shown here additional to CARd3D or bond from Cα-C bond of back bond atoms [14,15].

One of the important facts is that cohesive force coming from carbon alone is responsible for complex formed and released during drug binding and release which are analyzed and discussed here as part of the drug-protein topic of macromolecular association in biological systems that control disease and alter biological phenomena of binding [16].

Oxacillin and New Delhi Metallo-Beta-Lactamase-1 are the two arranged molecules for the case study here. Otherwise, a lot of other well-known structures found in PDB can be analyzed for a clear picture of protein-drug interaction. Arranged are only the demos of the nuclear picture of carbon value and bond length variation at atomic-level understanding for complex formation. Nuclear means that atomic coordinates are the main picture of all calculations involved and neglecting atom’s particle of the native structure that can be better over the nuclear one.

Part of the calculations, arranged are the group evaluation for a broader sense of amino acid involved. Accordingly, amino acids that can possess atomic details can be put together 75 atoms or so are taken into account for a clear picture of the variation of bond length character with internal one and non-COD parameters. Additionally, other factors involved in active regions are to be taken here at an average of 5 amino acids. Otherwise group average of 5 amino acids is essential for comparison with internal one obtainable from 16Å. Here are shown only the CA-C bond and compared.

One of the factors of internal one calculation is that the sequence information retrieved from the amino acid sequence is being done using our homemade PERL coded CARd program which runs on any platform of the research program. Otherwise one might want to use this program to identify sequential burial of information for the fact of carbon domain value which is happening here at the last of the result section. The parameters are standardized and no other information may be required in calculating the internal results. The only sequence is good enough for calculation. Retrieval may of interest for internal calculation. Otherwise call it the adhesive of additional force in protein internal for binding of drug focused in treatment of diseases including fever, vomiting, and/or nervousness.


One of the interesting phenomena taking place in protein is the carbon domain which is measured in terms of carbon profile based on carbon value of 0.3145 which is assessed here as the ability to express binding free energy equivalent for binding of the protein to the drug which is demonstrated here. Otherwise, call it practical extraction of carbon domain for drug discovery and related issues. Carbon value with adequacy is the single most force of attraction in dealing with drug action in biomolecular systems. Otherwise one need not worry about other forces of interaction coming from van der Waals or electrostatic. Carbon alone is going to the interactive element in this action of the drug during pain relief. According to the nature of the interaction, it is the only force of attraction called nanonic force coming from carbon value fundamentally in the interacting molecules that are relieving painful action of the molecular system. Principally it is necessary to mention that carbon does play a role in deriving force from drug molecule which may of course be the principal driving force for binding and calculation leading to binding free energy like involvement might help design multiple drugs for the same target. Alternatively, arrangements can be made to increase the binding capability of the drug found already in complex with the protein of interest.


Conflicts of Interest

The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.


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