Review Article
Chain can be Broken with Sanitizers and Hand Wash: A Public Perception on
Hand Wash
Author(s): Neha Munjal* and Vijay Mohan Soni
COVID19 pandemic has affected the whole world. All are fighting the COVID19 war since last year, and there is still the long way to go. The primary protection from COVID-19 is hand hygiene. There are many advertisements and advisory shared by the Govt. and public sector on how to maintain the hand hygiene. Since, last year from Feb 2020, people started using excessive sanitizer on hands instead of hand washing. In this work an attempt has been made to observe the perception of public towards the hand hygiene. As per the statically analysis, we observed that as the time passes the people started adopting hand wash instead of sanitizer, because excessive use was harming the skin and causing the skin irritation, rashes and redness etc.. Read More»
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