Research Article
The Potential Risk of Microbial Transmission from Cadavers to its Handlers Including Teaching Staff, Medical Students, Paramedical Staff Working in Dissection Hall
Author(s): Ashfaq Ul Hassan, Sajad Hamid and Azhar Shfi
Background: Cadavers remain a principal teaching tool for anatomists and medical educators teaching gross
anatomy. Infectious pathogens in cadavers that present particular risks include Mycobacterium tuberculosis, hepatitis
B and C, the AIDS virus HIV and prions that cause transmissible spongiform encephalopathies such as Creutzfeldt
Jakob Disease (CJD) and Gerstmann Straussler Scheinker Syndrome (GSS). It is often claimed that fixatives are
effective in inactivation of these agents. Unfortunately cadavers, even though they are fixed, may still pose infection
hazards to those who handle them. Specific safety precautions are necessary to avoid accidental disease transmission
from cadavers before and during dissection and to decontaminate the local environment afterward. In this brief
review, we describe the infectious pathogens that can be dete.. Read More»
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